Roof Moss Removal

Roofs are an investment which if not properly maintained, can end up costing you a lot of money and even worse, possibly hurt someone if the roof were to collapse. Something which can lead to problems with your roof is moss. Do not hire a pressure washing company to try and remove moss off of your roof. If you have asphalt shingles on your roof, using power washing will dramatically reduce its lifespan by removing the granules which help protect them against nature's elements. Moss removal is absolutely critical if you want to ensure the lifespan of your roof.

At All Seasons Roofing & Painting LLC we carefully perform roof moss removal by using an acidic mixture which in the hands of do-it-yourselfers, can eat away at the shingles on your roof if not used properly. We test our cleaning solutions before we use them on any roof. At no point do we scrape moss off your roof because this can result in torn or broken asphalt shingles. Also as moss thickens and grows, it can raise shingles up, allowing water to seep through, possibly causing the decking to rot and leading to what can be an expensive roof leak repair.

If you are starting to see missing shingles on your roof, contact All Seasons Roofing & Painting LLC in Hood River, OR today. Let us remove your moss buildup before even more debris gets trapped on your roof!